Becky Boer

Daily Archives:

July 11, 2020


Lord of the Flies | William Golding

One sentence:  What happened isn’t AS bad as I thought… I guess? Three thoughts: I started this book thinking one of the kids would get eaten. I don’t know why I thought that, but I was convinced. No one got eaten but like… they might as well have? I’m so disturbed. Rating Characters: 5/5 – Yeesh. Like, some of these characters were the embodiment of evil, but they were really well written, so I can’t hate on them too much! Jack was just a disaster. Like, he devolved so quickly.  ...

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The Girl with the Louding Voice | Abi Dare

One sentence:  Exactly what I expected, plus so heart-warming. Three thoughts: I love Adunni. She is a firecracker. I was so thrown off by the voice in this novel at first, but before long it flowed very smoothly and I loved that. Adunni’s life suuuucked, no doubt about that, but there were a few really good people helping her out. In that respect, she was lucky. Rating Characters: 5/5. Abi Daré can write some characters. I swear, all of the characters in this book had such depth. My  ...

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